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Undoubtedly, there are a few persons who masturbate and who are of immature mind, but so are there persons who do not masturbate have less sexual desire or have hang-ups about sex.

* There is no basis for the belief that people who masturbate have less sexual desires or have hang-ups about sex. A recent survey in fact, showed that people who masturbate have increased sexual desire and have more sexual drive than those who do not. There are people who because of previous experience, are afraid of sexual intercourse. Such people find solace in masturbation for the release of their sexual desires but they are in the minority.

* Masturbation provides an alternate sexual intercourse – free of the need and complications or cost of finding a consenting partner, free from the risk of sexually transmitted diseases, free from HIV/AIDS and free from the risk of unwanted pregnancy. Masturbation provides a chance for the girl or woman to explore her sexual response and for the man, to release his tensions when aroused at a time he is alone or not bold enough to have a regular girl friend.

* Masturbation develops self love and familiarizes oneself with one’s own sexual response. One can relieve sexual tension without imposing on any body else. These are advantages.


* Most people who masturbate have a feeling of guilt of doing something they have been made to believe is bad. Most of these feelings arose from religious or cultural taboo and traditional beliefs on sexual behaviour and practices.

* Bruising of the genital organs can occur during masturbation, particularly if they are handled roughly during the act or if there is not enough lubrication. These can cause a lot of pain and can lead to serious infection if contaminated by germs.

* Like all habits, it may be difficult to break for some people. The tendency is also there for adolescents to do nothing else but masturbate whenever they have some free time. This is bad as it does not allow them to develop other aspects of their talent and broaden their horizon for the world ahead.

* There is the danger that masturbation may be preferred to normal sexual intercourse, and this may affect sexual relationship after marriage.

* In men, masturbation has been known to be associated with premature ejaculation, that is, having ejaculation before or just after sexual intercourse has begun.

* If a person thinks of masturbation and nothing else or if his or her whole existence revolves around masturbation then there is something harmful but if one enjoys masturbation with full control, it is not harmful.

However, the dangers of masturbation have been exaggerated. It may not lead to any physical injury unless one is addicted to it. Any ill effects which masturbation may result are feeling of anxiety, guilt, or self condemnation which it brings. Masturbation is looked upon as wicked, sinful and abnormal by elders and it results in sexual anxieties among children.

In spite of the religious and cultural disapproval, masturbation is widely practiced especially by adolescents (As from 20 to 35 years old). As part of healthy development, it is acceptable but however, it can become a habit that may affect future normal sexual relationship.

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When masturbation becomes a habit, men may start doing it even without sexual desire and tension. This becomes a routine phenomenon for them and after the act, they may feel a strong sense of guilt and low self esteem.

Biologically speaking, there is a continuous production of seminal fluid and sperm which takes about three months to mature in men. Generally, a man can cope with one ejaculation every two to three days. But if a man masturbates more frequently, sperm count may fall for some time but later on after a gap of three to four days, the sperm count may return to normal. Sperm count refers to the quantity and quality of active sperm produced by the male sexual organs at a given period. What this means is that any man who masturbates on a daily basis out of habit, may not be sexually very healthy. Naturally, the body reacts as a way of passing signal that the reproductive organs are being overstressed. This message is transmitted by the body through the occasional pains experienced in the scrotum.


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there are many unfounded false beliefs about the effects of masturbation

* Most people who masturbate have a feeling of guilt of doing something they have been made to believe is bad. Most of these feelings arose from religious or cultural taboo and traditional beliefs on sexual behaviour and practices.
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* Bruising of the genital organs can occur during masturbation, particularly if they are handled roughly during the act or if there is not enough lubrication. These can cause a lot of pain and can lead to serious infection if contaminated by germs.
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it was found that 98 of every 100 boys masturbate, and about 70 of every 100 girls do so before the age of 21years. It is also suggested that masturbation is more common in technologically advanced societies. In the following chapter, we shall look at why people masturbate.

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